Friday, October 5, 2007

God Is There All the Time!

All Christians have experienced times when they could not sense God's presence.

Sometimes God is just silent and wants us to know it does not necessarily mean something is wrong; we are just maturing in our walk with Him and He is still with us. Sometimes it may be that we stepped out of His will, especially if we have no direction and God's voice cannot be heard. Whether we "feel" His presence every moment or not, God is always there! He promised He would never leave us nor forsake us! When the silent times come, it is good to say, "This too, shall pass"

Our faith is often strengthened when we read about great men that God used. All of them experienced times when it seemed God was distant, yet God was very present and often worked miracles through them. Elijah was known to be one of the most outstanding prophets of his time. He was one who was mightily used of God! When he prayed, God heard and answered. His prayer held back invading armies and supernaturally defeated those that were determined to destroy the Israelites who were moving into their Promised Land. But the new residents were becoming interested in the life styles of heathen nations around them and they slowly began to drift into their sinful practices. Because of their great sins, Elijah called for a drought for three years and it did not rain for three and a half years. His concern for Israel was so great he called for a contest between Baal and God, declaring "Whoever answers by fire, let Him be God." The backslidden Israelites agreed that whoever answered by fire would be proclaimed as God.

The contest began. First, the Baal worshipers called on Baal to send down fire from heaven, but nothing happened. Then it was Elijah's turn. First, Elijah repaired the altar! (This is important to remember before we ask God to perform a miracle for us.) Then, placing the wood, sacrifice and water on the altar he prayed for fire! The fire not only came down and consumed the sacrifice but also the altar, water, dust and the rocks used to form the altar! It was surely an awesome sight.

When the Israelites saw the demonstration of God's power again, they remembered the miracles God had performed in the past and they fell on their faces at once declaring that Jehovah was God. (I Kings 18:39). Seeing the Israelites were in the mood to obey God, Elijah commanded that they take all the prophets of Baal and the groves and kill every one, and they did. It was a mighty demonstration of God's power and victory that day. In his zeal and victory, Elijah then announced an abundance of rain and went to the mountain to pray.

But we read when King Ahab's wife, Jezebel, heard that her prophets were killed, she ignored the powerful demonstration of God's power that consumed Elijah's sacrifice and in anger, she declared that Elijah would be killed the next day about that time! The news got back to Elijah and..... suddenly, he fled for his life!

We may wonder why Elijah fled. Elijah, the mighty servant of God with power to save and destroy, had fled from a woman.... because of a threat? Yes. Though God demonstrated His power through him, Elijah was still human. He was weary. He felt his calling and responsibility to God, but he may have struggled with discouragement because his messages were ignored. In a moment, weariness caused him to lose focus and the news gripped his heart; he forgot the great success. He may have even wondered if God was there to hear Jezebel's threat,...and he fled 18-30 miles toward Horeb.

How easy it is for us to become discouraged too when we see friends and family ignore the God Who performed mighty answers to prayer in their lives. Notice the facts about Elijah's response that are so human and are so much like ours sometimes, even though we love God as Elijah loved God.

1. He forgot to inquire of God what he should do. He just fled! God could have protected him from Jezebel, yet He allowed his servant to flee. The reason this response is recorded in God's Word is to teach us that much time can be wasted when we run with our own plans that did not have God's approval! Though we can always return to God after making wrong decisions, wasted years can never be redeemed! Listen, and remember!

2. Because he had no direction from God, he came to a "wilderness." He didn't think ahead that there would be no water, no food, no direction or people while he was running without God's directive. In today's world, a person who would run from God will run into the snare of the devil who has no living water, no food to nourish his soul, no direction to share with him, no answers for comfort or direction and no person available who would be interested to help. People are a million miles from the gates of peace when they're one little step from God. Yet, God is there waiting for a call!

4. But God followed His weary prophet and watched as Elijah sat under a juniper tree and asked to die.

6. Being weary, Elijah fell asleep. At meal time, God dispatched an angel to bring a flask of water, to make a fire and bake a hot lunch. Then the angel tapped him on the shoulder and told him to "Arise and eat. The journey is too hard for thee." Sometimes you may become weary too, but reading of God's tender care over his weary prophet, will restore your faith to know that God is there with you and He knows you have reached a point where your "journey is too great" for you." It's time for a rest whether you feel His presence or not. In His unique way, He will give you rest. Then He will encourage you, too: "Don't be weary....I have prepared a special table in the presence of your need!" At a time like that recall God's Word, "Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." (Galatians 6:9) And follow Him to His special table prepared just for you. It will be located in your time of communion and prayer with Him.

7. Elijah fled quickly! If we run, we will have run FROM God and we will always have to RETURN TO where we left off following the direct will of God, if we want Him to lead and guide us. Elijah had to.

8. There was no need for Elijah to go to Horeb because when he reached Horeb (about 180 miles south of where he sat under the juniper tree), he was sent right back, and further north than the place he had started from. It took him 40 days to arrive at Horeb, then another 80 days to arrive at his next assignment.

9. As he continued traveling those 40 days and nights in the strength of only two lunches, he found a cave and entered. He was still in a wilderness but God was following him. With tender compassion God asked: "What are you doing here, Elijah?" Elijah answered, "I was jealous for the Lord God....for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant and have thrown down thy altars and slain thy prophets and I only am left." In other words, "I gave them the Word you gave me, and diligently fulfilled all of your assignments to me, but they forsook you, God." God listened. He understood Elijah's heart cry and instructed him to go stand on the mountain.

In his cave on the mountain, discouraged Elijah heard the strong wind; he felt the earthquake rock the mountain and saw the fire that broke out, but they didn't get his attention. He knew God was not in them. But then.... suddenly he heard a still small voice, and recognizing that voice from many years of close fellowship and service with God, something stirred within him again as it had many times before, and he arose! He knew God was near! God made the difference in a moment, and Elijah came out of the cave when he heard God's voice! You will come out of your cave of life's temporary situations too, when you hear God's voice!

When Elijah stepped out of the cave, he was refreshed and restored again! He was ready to follow God's next assignment. Isn't it good when you can hear God's voice after a time of struggle, or feeling temporarily out of focus? It is reassuring to know God is always there.

Has God asked you, "My son, my daughter, what are you doing here?" He followed you to the place where you are right now! He knows your address or the location of your wilderness! Through the preaching of your pastor or spiritual leader, He will speak to you. Like Elijah, when you hear His voice you too, will come out of your cave of discouragement, disappointment or weariness! Stay in close fellowship with Him through prayer and meditation on His Word until your way becomes clear! You are just passing through to the next level of information related to the assignment He gave you! Call! He's there!

Do you feel you may have reacted too quickly to information and drawn your own conclusion that you missed God? Do you feel you delayed His plan for your life? He knows what's happening and He will talk with you about any issue on your mind if you call. He is still there, waiting to speak and restore! Call!

"God hath not promised skies always blue; flower strewn pathways all our lives through. He hath not promised sun without rain, joy without sorrow or peace without pain. But God hath promised strength for the day; rest for our labors, light for our way! 'Grace for each trial, help from above, unfailing sympathy and undying love!" Yes, God promised, "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." (Hebrews 13:5).

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