Friday, December 21, 2007

CHRISTMAS - The Greatest Story of Love

To love and be loved is the greatest joy in the world!

Who understands the mystery of love? Where did it originate? Why is it the force that makes the world go round and round?

Love began with God for God is the author of love! (I John 4:8.) It began before Christ was born in Bethlehem on that first Christmas morning. "For God so loved rhe world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

God flung the galaxies and stars into space. He hung the sun and moon on nothing. He spoke the worlds into existence and when everything was ready, then He made man. God knew the future of all things and knew nothing could move and motivate mankind like knowing someone cared for him and loved him; so He invested in man the capacity to love and be loved and ordained it to be the powerful force that moves the world.

The Bible tells us " is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love. Rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned." (Song of Solomon 8:6b-7 NIV New Student Bible.) A commentary on these scriptures tells us further: "Death sweeps all things away. It yields to no one, and once you are in its power you cannot escape. The same is true with love. It takes control of your life, and like a gigantic fire, it cannot be doused. Love must be treated with the greatest caution and respect." (Commentary on Song of Solomon 8:6, NIV New Student Bible.)

The Holy Spirit inspired this translation and commentary in order to show us the power and depth of human love in words we could understand. The reason: so that we might comprehend the power and depth of God's love, expressed in His Word, that we could understand, --love so great that we could grasp the awesome purpose of Christ's birth: to be born as a baby, to grow up into manhood experiencing the problems of life, then to die on a cross to redeem us from the power of those problems when we accepted Him to be Lord of our lives. His ultimate purpose was that He might dwell in our hearts with peace, joy and a knowledge that His salvation offers and promises all that He desires to be to us. To confirm this, the Bible says, "That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith, that ye, being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth and height and TO KNOW THE LOVE OF CHRIST, which passeth knowledge." (Ephesians 3:17 and 4:16.)

It's Christmas, the greatest story of love! It's the time of giving! Familiar carols and songs are filling the air wherever we go. Decorating, baking, reproducing the drama of that wonderful day, shopping for gifts and remembering those we love and appreciate have taken priority for these exciting days. While busy with your details be sure to prepare a gift for Jesus. After all it's His birthday. Since He is not physically here, give a gift to someone in need who may not be able to return the favor. Jesus said, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." (Matthew 25:40) If you cannot bless someone during the holidays, support our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan by praying peace into their lives while they are far from home and praying that many of them will be able to get long distance calls through to family and loved ones from wherever they are on Christmas Day.

To all who are reading this post, God bless you today! Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Traffic Signals on the way - Warning - A Need to Wait

Waitng is an important part of God's plan for everyone whether we want to believe it or not. We may not always know the reasons for it until after the fact, yet the reasons for waiting are as important as a bank account for security and success.

Who likes to wait? At a traffic light, in line at the supermarket or in front of our microwave we glance at our watch several times in the few minutes we are waiting. We are classified as impatient people though we have the most modern technology in the world for accomplishing twice as much in one hour or one day than our neighbors across the oceans. It's because we don't understand God is working in our behalf while we are waiting.

One difficult area for many people is waiting for answers to prayer. When we have presented a need or prayer request to the Lord we exercise faith that He heard our prayer and we we expect to receive the answer quickly. Between the promise and its fulfillment are the most difficult hours. The tech world has given us so many modern conveniences that can cut a person's work load in half the time so we expect God to understand that and do the same. If we pray about an urgent financial need, because we know that God heard the prayer and He knows the emergency, we want a divine intervention on our time schedule. If the answer does not come when we expected it, our faith begins to disappear; but what about God's reasons? Does He have reasons for delay?

On busy expressways at times there will be unexpected construction, slow traffic for many miles, or even detours but the signs are placed in those critical areas to assure the end result: the safety of drivers and a safe arrival at their destination, not to cause him anxiety for not keeping his personal time schedule. We never question the wisdom of placing signals, signs and detours on busy roads because we know the delays and waiting was for a purpose.

When I returned to Korea to continue my missionary work after my husband went to be with the Lord, I was privileged to be invited to work with Dr. David Yonggi Cho, Pastor of the Yoido Full Gospel (Assemblies of God Church) in Seoul, Korea. In Dr. Cho's daily mail there were usually many letters from young potential pastors looking forward to graduate from college or a university who had great visions and goals to build a great church of thousands of people for the glory of God. But they wanted to know how they could accomplish this in less than the 30 years it took Dr. Cho. These were very impressive young people of a high-energy level and with outstanding personalities. They had heard that membership at the Yoido Church had reached 750,000 (at that time). They heard that people being saved and healed and others delivered from many kinds of diseases was a common occurance in many of the services. Visiting pastors and church leaders said the example of the Yoido Church resembled the story of the early church in the book of Acts.

We wrote to each young man in detail. We explained that great accomplishments begin with faithfulness in doing menial tasks first, with excellence. When God saw their heart and their readiness He could give them more anointing and power but God is the One Who decides.

We asked them how much time they spent in prayer daily. They did not give clear answers. We told them there is a reason why it took 30 years for Dr. Cho to arrive at this juncture. Most important of all he was learning to KNOW God intimately, not just know ABOUT Him. He was daily searching the scriptures, memorizing them, studying the plan of salvation, healing, growth and development of believers and the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit. He was learning to recognize the difference between God's voice and passing thoughts. He learned these truths from the Holy Spirit in great detail, in his steady daily prayer time. He learned the meaning of obeying God when God spoke, not later at a more convenient time.

We suggested that the young men use their time wisely in college to learn to know God while they were not under the pressures and cares of a young family, work, or other needs. We asked them, "If God should open a door of ministry for you today, do you feel you would be ready to step into the role of pastor today? Would you know how to find God's direction for the church and the people you would minister to?"

We explained the long "waiting" period is not really too long. When they would be ready, God would place them in His great harvest field where they would bring the most glory to Him. When He did, the potential would-be pastor will have learned accountability, responsibility, readiness and obedience.

The waiting period is God's personal preparation time for the developing of a life that will feel what He feels and know Him, not just know about Him.

Time is not lost when we give it to God. The farmer waits for his harvest but because of his careful care of his fields, the harvest does come. A Mother waits nine months for the birth of her child but because of care and preparation, the child does arrive. When God gives a promise we may have to wait for the fulfillment but with careful care, preparation and obedience the answer does come in God's time.

Are delays and/or waiting periods always necessary in a Christian's life? Most of the time they are. The waiting time is for you, not God. You are not ready for your answer! Use your waiting time. Learn from it. Watch new potential abilities grow, develop and mature in many ways during the waiting period. If you give God more quality time in prayer the Holy Spirit can prepare you to be ready for you answer earlier than you expected. He is the One Who decides!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Traffic Signals on the way: Warning - Detours

Traveling can be adventurous and educational besides getting you to your destination if roads are good and necessary directional signs are carefully placed to indicate any changes, curves or detours. All signs are meant to direct you and they are to be heeded!

A few years ago some of our missionary friends lived and ministered in a limited-access nation in the mid-east. On a very dark night while traveling home at midnight from a gospel meeting in a nearby city, the missionary family and national pastor with his son had just reached the top of a steep hill and started down the other side when suddenly they came upon a large truck stalled in the middle of the road before them, without lights. With no time to go around the truck successfully, their car immediately slammed into the truck. All three of their young daughters were thrown out of the car as well as the national pastor's son, and all four were killed. The missionary wife suffered with many broken bones. After several hours, they were found and everyone was taken to a nearby hospital. Fortunately the missionary and his national pastor were not injured seriously. The three daughters were later buried in that foreign land. A year later the wife learned to walk again. They now reside in the states. The accident might have been avoided if road flares or a detour sign of any kind had been on the road a short distance before approaching the hill, but there was nothing. The tragedy was caused by neglect!

In our walk with the Lord, there will be times when the Holy Spirit will warn us of problems ahead and we must heed the warning and perceive He provided a detour. The detour will cause us to avoid the thing that we could not see immediately. To ignore His warning is to neglect His prompting, His desire, His assignment from our heavenly Father to protect and warn us throughout our Christian journey. Warnings come to us through God's Word; but the decision to heed them is ours: whether we will listen and obey or regard His Word and prompting as not necessarily important at the moment.

The Holy Spirit wants you to remember: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for INSTRUCTION in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." (2 Timothy 3:16.) There is instruction for you every time you read God's Word! The Word will speak to your inner man and direct you in specific day to day dealings and events. Reading your Bible daily and balancing it with prayer will enable the Holy Spirit to bring back to your rememberance the Word of God that will bring instruction and warning when you need it.

Among the commandments and instructions in scripture, one that gets our attention quickly and stands out as a warning concerns the word neglect.

The area where neglect can be noticed quickly is the road on which we travel most, every day. We can see if maintenance and upkeep were handled on a timely basis. A road that has not been properly serviced by the city can cause small or great accidents or delays.....all because of neglect. Likewise, those who are in the body of Christ, which includes you and me, who have not diligently kept all the Word (the commandments and instructions) can be responsible for lack of growth in the lives of younger believers God has placed in your path. Neglect can be the reason for the lack of vision for the purpose of God in your life, your home or your church. It can be the reason for weak faith: --faith that is not strong enough to produce healings or miracles and it can be the deciding factor for indifference to the preaching of the Word. It's a sobering fact but it's true! When neglect is evident, there are little or no results, and no readiness for the Second Coming of the Lord. Again, the reason is neglect! On your journey of life, detour away from neglect before it affects your relationship with the Lord.

"Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard lest at any time we should let them slip. How shall we escape IF WE NEGLECT so great a salvation." (Hebrews 2:1, 3.) Our salvation includes working toward full obedience and fighting the good fight of faith to be ready for the work and ministry that the Holy Spirit desires to do through us!

On several occasions, the Israelites asked God why He did not help them as He had promised since they did prepare and offer their offerings and sacrifices. God told them it was because they ignored his prophets and continued to serve other gods AND Him. He was no longer THE One and Only Lord of their lives! Their hearts were not in their sacrifices and offerings! It had become only a form to them without their hearts involved in true worship. Though believers do not offer sacrifices of sheep and goats as the Israelites did, God would speak to us today and in essence His Words would be, "You see what you want to see in my Word, and change its interpretation to fit the level of your present spiritual condition." Take a detour around the status quo traveling on the road with you if those people pretend to serve the Lord but He is not THE Lord of their lives! Let nothing cause you to neglect the Lord of your life being the Only God of Life to you!

Is it possible that the Lord would visit a church in the disguise or form of a crippled person, a homeless and/or a dysfunctional person, someone in a wheel chair, a blind person, one recently restored from prison, a weathly millionnaire, perhaps a football star or any other person of see our response or neglect to each one? And if He did, would you recognize Him? If so, how would you respond? Could or would you be God's hand extended? Would you take time to be His hand extended? Do you scale down the Word of God to someone when witnessing to him so he will not be offended? Have you ever asked the Lord to use you to touch the life of a hurting person, or to be His hand extended?

We will one day be judged according to the Light we received and how we passed it on. If the Word of Truth is powerful in your life and understanding, let it be powerful in your speech, action and example! Sometimes we are tempted to "strain at a nat and swallow a camel...." Do we talk about serving God according to rules we made but neglect the needs that are important to God? Neglect!

I think often of a time after the Rapture, when we will stand before the Lord at the Bema Judgment. To some He will say, "I was an hungered, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick and in prison, and ye visited me not." (Matt 25:42-43.) Then our Lord will answer: "Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not unto Me." (Matthew 25:44-46.) Why would He say this? Could it be that we might be selective in our work for the Lord, even in our friendships, those we help or things we do for them for God?

When a person has neglected his personal relationship with God, there will soon be signs of neglect in his obedience to certain instructions in the Word. The signs of disobedience will develop into carelessness, and carelessness will cause him to rearrange the commandments he once loved, to fit his strained life style. This is the way some churches and even pople move away from Truth and get into error. The gospel becomes diluted so that it has lost its power to change and transform lives. Neglect can bring change that will cause one to let down his standard of holiness and his love for God. Eventually he will look toward returning to the very things he was once delivered from.

The good news is, God is always merciful to hear our cry of repentance and for help to return to Him so we can be restored. His Word declares, "Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." (Isaiah 55:7) Yes! He will abundantly pardon! What a comfort! Today is a good day to think on these things and examine them carefully in your life!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Traffic Signals on the way:"Warning - Presumption"

Presumption is a belief that a person can do whatever he desires to do contrary to previous instructions and restraints, without experiencing consequences for his behavior.

Your life is your journey on the specific path that God laid out uniquely just for you. By following the Map, God's Word, and detailed Guidelines carefully, scriptures that give you specific directions for your personal journey, you will be amazed how God will reward you with fulfillment of the desires of your heart which in essence are plans He Himself placed in your life. There will be no doubts or guess work how to reach your personal destiny. All you have to do is listen, obey and follow His leading, and watch for warning signals on the way that would cause you to detour from your Christian path. Obey them and keep your eyes on Jesus! Obeying and following God's direction will avoid confusion, chaos and the possibility of losing out with God in the end.

We read examples of men in the Bible who made wrong choices while they were in leadership and suffered bitter consequences. We can learn from their mistakes. When wrong choices are made, it often takes many months and sometimes years to find a place to turn around and return to the place where a person left God, in order to be restored. Sometimes he is able to turn around successully but sometimes he turns around only to carry the baggage of consequences the rest of his life.

While we were on the mission field, we met an impressive young couple full of talent and the possibility of high leadership skills. It did not take long to recognize the wife was living with the consequences of the years she lived in the drug scene when she lived in a commune. When she talked of the goodness of God, she radiated with gratefulness that those days were behind her, but at times in ordinary conversation her mind appeared to be blank and she struggled to complete sentences. I'm reminded of the scripture: "Be sure your sin will find you out." You cannot assume you will be the exception who will have no consequences.

Saul had been chosen by God to be the first King of Israel. When he faced his first national battle, Samuel gave him specific instructions to meet him in Gilgal; wait seven days with the people, and he (Samuel) would come and offer a sacrifice before going into battle. He would ask God for His blessing before Saul would face the would be invading army. Saul did gather the people as he was instructed, but after waiting in Gilgal only six days, he became impatient, restless and doubtful of his instructions. He began to think since he was king he should be able to offer the sacrifice as the priests did. Though God gave Saul a new heart when he became King, Saul's leadership included learning the importance of following directions, not his assumptions. And he offered the sacrifice! This was the first disobedience but more followed until Saul eventually lost his way, lost the kingdom, and lost out with God. His sin of presumption was assuming he did not have to follow the directive God gave through Samuel.

David is known in the scriptures as the sweet singer of Israel. Growing up, as the youngest son he kept the family's sheep. Alone on the hillsides for long periods of time, he probably learned to know the Great God of the universe as few of us could imagine. Worship, prayer, communion and fellowship with God were consistent in his daily life. We remember the stories how he killed a bear, killed the giant Goliath, and had many great victories to his credit. In God's time, he was anointed to be king, following Saul. Fast-forwarding his life as king, after God had used him mightily in winning many battles successfully with the surrounding nations, a time came when David was sorely tempted. He sucumbed to the temptation, committed adultey and then he tried to hide his sin. Though he was known as a man after God's own heart, he was still human and was subject to temptations as the rest of mankind. No one is exempt.

After yielding to the temptation, we see another side of David. It's not only a picture of results that follow temptation but also a revelation how Satan can win in a person's life when just a small crack in the door of his heart is allowed to be opened to fantasy and sympathetic thoughts toward compromise to sin.

We see deception, lying, and trying to hide the consequences of his sin. Disaster after disaster followed David after that. Did God forgive him? Yes, but David paid the consequences for sin. His sin of presumption was thinking as King, he could arrange more deceptions to be carried out by one of his military men and no one would ever know what really happened. The warning signal here is: "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it?" Whose heart? Everyone's heart! David's sin of presumption was that he knew God would forgive him, but he did not count on the many consequences that followed because of his sin. From that time, David prayed, "Keep me from presumptous sins."

The lesson from his choice is to heed the signals on your journey of life everyday because they can be warnings in the busy and congested traffic on your road. Today as never before, the enemy of your soul, Satan, is after you. Your only safety is to stay close to God. Recognize and know that everyone is tempted at times and temptation is not sin. It is yielding to the temptation that is sin! If you have sinned or are in a difficult place of temptation, your only hope is to turn to the strong arm of God through His Word. The scripture says, "Submit yourselves unto God, .....THEN....resist the devil and he will flee from you." The next step is to CONFESS your problem to the Lord in prayer, not hide it. REPENT of your part in allowing yourself to be drawn into the problem this far. ASK FOR THE BLOOD OF JESUS to cleanse you from your involvement. Accept His forgiveness and cleansing and turn/run from the temptation. Then ASK FOR RESTORATION.

The scripture speaks of "Godly sorrow" with repentance. There are times when you need to spend more than a few minutes before God in repentance. You need to repent with Godly sorrow. This means to realize you grieved and wounded the Holy Spirit who attempted to restrain you from yielding to temptation. Your sin of presumption may have been that you thought you could always repent with a "sentence prayer," a quick and short one, and the presence of God would be restored quickly as before. The Holy Spirit will lead you to full repentance and Jesus will forgive you but you need to know your repentance must be with Godly sorrow. It is the Godly sorrow that will sharpen your will to resist a temptation the next time.

The good news is that the Holy Spirit places special kinds of signals on your your road of life from time to time, often to warn you. Be aware of them and obey them. It's because He wants you to remember always what a great sacrifice Jesus made for you. He desires you to live free from sin.

(This message us for a particular person who happened to find this on the internet today. I don't know who you are but I know Jesus loves you. He waits for you to go to Him and repent and be restored! I urge you to go today!)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thanksgiving - Remembering with Gratefulness

People who influence people the most are those who always show thankfulness!

Thanksgiving time brings warm memories of family gatherings, of the aroma of turkey and its trimmings being prepared, of favorite foods and pies and the joy of spending a few special hours with family again! The rush and busyness of everyday living has robbed many people of their gratitude for blessings we have been privileged to enjoy in our great country of America! Let's remember with gratfulness!

If you counted your blessings and wrote them out, how many could you list on paper? At this time of the year, it is good to remember to thank God again for our beloved land of the free; --for God's protection, provision and guidance during the last ten months, --for our abundance of everything we have need of, for the comforts and conveniences of life such as our home, our telecommumications, medical facilities, and our military personnel serving overseas in order to protect our country, just to name a few.

On the other side of the coin, the Mission Fields of the world tell us that life is very different from our homes, and not without problems and yet they express gratefulness for what they do have. Nations rise and fall and other nations are changing focus in many directions all the time. Missionaries see these factors but they are working hard to bring in their harvest before the winds of change develop into storms that could change the face of missions. They are more concerned about the people God sent them to and they are grateful for the call of God to bring the gospel to them. One missionary wrote:

.....If you own a Bible, you are blessed. More than one-third of the world's population does not even have access to one. In some countries one page is all a national pastor has until he can exchange his page with another pastor.

.....If you awoke this morning with more health than illness, you are blessed. One million people will not survive this week.

.....If you have never experienced war, imprisonment, torture, or the pangs of starvation, you are more fortunate that 500 million people who live with these on a daily basis.

.....If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof over your head, and money in your pocket, you are richer than 75 percent of the world.

We should daily ask ourselves some questions to measure our gratefulness:

1. Do we talk daily about our blessings or more about our disappointments?
2. Do we complain or grumble about our circumstances,or do we see God working through them?
3. Are we content with life or dissatisfied and always wanting more?
4. How often do we thank others for the little things they do for us, or do we take them for granted and seldom say "Thank you!"
5. Do others say I am a thankful person, or are they silent about that subject? We tell on ourselves by the things we say and the things we do.

As we share thanksgiving dinner with family and friends this Thanksgiving Day, let's take time to express our gratefulness to God who has "...blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ." (Ephesians 1:3.) Let's pray for our missionaries serving far from home this year and those on assignment to raise more support to fulfill the vision God gave them, --for the families who are missing a family member because he/she is serving in Iraq, --for those in your church or next door who are not well and would appreciate a dinner plate from your home and perhaps those who have been alienated or estranged from their own family and long to return. This Thanksgiving time, let's recall our blessings again with gratefulness and express that gratefulness verbally to our heavenly Father, then to those who shared Thanksgiving dinner with us!

You can become a strong influence in the lives of other Christians when you express gratefulness to them often for their small or great contribution in your life! You can make a difference!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Healing is For Today

Do you believe you can be healed today? That question can be answered with two more questions: Has the Word of God changed? Is Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever?

Prepare your heart for healing through God's Word. First, consider the power of the Word of God as compared to the philosophies of those who would say that healing is not for us today. If "philosophers" never experienced a healing, how could they know if it is or is not for us today? If they came to declare this to me, I would have to tell them they came too late.....because I have already been healed many times. Apparently they do not know the scripture that declares "the Word of God standeth forever," which confirms that God's promises for healing stand forever too!

Socrates, an Athenian philosopher; Aristotle, a Greek philosopher and tutor of Alexander the Great, and Plato, another Greek philosopher,---all world renowned philosophers in their day taught and/or offered their views or theories on questions in ethics, metaphysics, logic, and other fields, with eloquent words. But after their death, their writings have faded from importance except as subjects to be studied in universities and colleges. Today, there appears to be no wide spread need for their philosophies for the average person.

On the other hand, the Word of God that was spoken through prophets and priests centuries ago as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit, has outlived philosophers, orators and humanists. Jesus lived on earth, died on a cross for all sinners and returned to His heavenly Father, yet His Word lives on and it has not only endured and withstood many tests through many storms and threats of extinction for many generations but it has brought change wherever it has been taught and received. Missionaries especially, confirm the Word of God has changed cannibalistic nations into civilization. It has brought peace and comfort in times of bereavement and sorrow. In remote areas where medical service was either 4-5 hours away or there was none available for many miles, when prayer was earnestly made to God, healings and miracles happened! When faced with fear and the unknown in the face of death, there is no record of someone asking for a dictionary or a book of philosophy to be read. He asked for the Word of God because its Words brought hope and peace. All of the Word of God has and is life for the reader.

The Bible also brought encouragement, direction for day to day living and answers in times of crisis. It led us to salvation, peace with God and eternal life. To every born again believer it has given life to God's great and precious promises for every circumstance. Why? Its Author is God Himself, the God Who created man in His image. And God knows all about him, .....even his physical needs, and how to restore or heal him.

Scripture confirms that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever." He is the God of yesterday and the future but He is also the God of Today! God spoke through Isaiah, "My Word that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but IT SHALL ACCOMPLISH THAT WHICH I PLEASE, AND IT SHALL PROSPER IN THE THING WHERETO I SENT IT." (ISAIAH 55:11.) Looking at a parade of evidences, we can conclude He is the same yesterday, today and forever in every circumstance! Yes! This means He is the God of healing, restoration and renewal for the future and for today!

Through His Word, God invites you to "Come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:16.) Here are some factors to know that will help as you prepare for your healing:

1. Faith is needed.
"Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." Preparation for healing requires that you first have faith to believe God is and that He is a "rewarder of those that diligently seek Him." Your faith grows as you spend quality time in prayer and in the Word of God, and especially when you place your name in the scriptures, for emphasis. Many Christians who do this confirm this has helped their faith.

2. Realize Jesus finished His Work at Calvary.
Healing is a finished work of Calvary as far as God is concerned, but you have to do more than hope or wish for it. To have the "finished work" or evidence of the healing, you must RECEIVE it. Peter declares, "By whose stripes ye were healed," (I Peter 2:24.) Healing was and is for you or your family members but if you have not received it, you need to continue to read the healing scriptures again and again until you have memorized them and they are a part of your confession every day.

3. "Everyone who asks, receives."
Jesus stated those words in Matthew 7:7-11. When you pray for healing, Jesus wants you to receive what you asked for because His Word declares, "By whose stripes ye WERE healed." Rewording it can help your faith by quoting "I believe it was through His stripes I WAS HEALED," and then stand firmly on your declaration without wavering.

4. Jesus healed them all.
Since Christ came to do the Father's will, the fact that He HEALED THEM ALL is proof that it is God's will that all be healed. (If it were not God's will for all to be healed, then how did they all get healed?)

5. Stand in your authority.
At all times, you need to stand in the authority Jesus shared with you in Luke 10:19. BELIEVE that you have the authority over ALL the power of the enemy, even Satan's attack of sickness he is trying to put on you. Speak to your sickness to go in Jesus' Name, commanding it to return to the one who sent it. When you speak boldly with authority, in faith, nothing wavering, the sickness will begin to die; your condition will begin to reverse and in time you will see the full manifestation of complete healing.

(NOTE; See previous blog titled, "The Prayer of Authority," September 7, 2007. To 9pen this blog, scroll to the end of this page. See the words "Older Posts" at the end of the page. Press or double click on the words "Older Posts." Wait, and the previous page with blogs will appear. Scroll down on that page to "The Prayer of Authority" and read the article with additional information on Authority.)

Only believe! This is God's Word. It will never change! He promised that His Word would NOT return to Him void, but it would accomplish what it was sent to do. Dare to believe healing is for you today and witness the power of His promise!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Why Prayer is Not Answered - Part 1

God still answers prayer if our relationship is in good standing with Him. If our prayer is not being answered, we only need to ask the Holy Spirit why and then hear His answer well, and obey His word to us.

The following insights tell us why prayer is often not answered:

1. We have been overcome with the cares of life. Needs and pressures of life are with us everyday; yet some people have stepped up to the next level of depending on the Holy Spirit and His strength so that they live above the pressures, --and you can too. Jesus loves you so much that He said He would never leave you nor forsake you. That means you really don't need to be overcome with the cares of life. That means He desires to handle them for you. He knows your way and your struggles. What can you do to live above your cares? Here are some answers:

a. "Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly!" (Colossians 3:16.)
Draw life and strength from the Word of God early in the morning when your mind is fresh and alert, and hold that Word in your heart all day, --one day at a time. Don't allow yourself to worry whether or not you will be able to keep the Word in your heart tomorrow, because tomorrow has not yet come.

b. "Gird up the loins of your mind." (I Peter 1:13.)
This means to take courage (YOU take courage given by the Holy Spirit) in the face of hardships and remember God said He would be with you always. You can choose to worry about your needs or choose to trust God for them. The choice is yours. When you need an answer, He will bring your answer on time, but it will be one day at a time.

c. Set a goal to be an overcomer of that which tries to overcome you.
Think: To be an overcomer, you have to have something to overcome. "They OVERCAME him by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of their testimony." (Revelation 12:11.) Start today to be an overcomer. Your effort will bring you closer to the Lord, and when you are close to Him, you will notice you have faith to believe for your answers.

d. Remember God will give you His peace.
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect PEACE whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee." (Isaiah 26:3.) Count your blessings for one week and you will recognize His peace is greater than the cares of life.

e. Remember He will give you rest.
"In returning and REST shall ye be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength. (Isaiah 30:15.) When you go to the Lord in prayer consistently in the morning or evening, your confidence in God's promises will grow and your prayer will begin to see answers.

f. Remember He will give you strength.
"But they that wait on the Lord shall renew their STRENGTH; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."
(Isaiah 40:31.)

g. Remember God invites you to commit your way to Him and trust.
"COMMIT thy way unto the Lord; TRUST also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass." (Psalm37:5.) Living with the Word of God everyday gives life to everything you do and supernatural strength to stay above the cares of life so that you can believe God for the answers to every prayer.

2. Wrong attitudes. You may not be aware of this, but you change attitudes many times in one day. Sometimes the attitudes develop wrong opinions which in turn rob you of peace. They cloud your faith and when faith is not fed by the Word, it will become diluted with doubts and negative thoughts which will eventually blind you to the power of God's Word. It's good to examine your heart often. "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." (Proverbs 4:23.) When wrong attitudes have been cleansed by the Blood of Jesus, faith will naturally rise again to believe God for the things you discussed with Him.

3. Prayerlessness. This is the greatest reason of all for no answers to prayer.
There's an imaginary channel from your heart to the Throne Room of God, and your prayers travel straight to your heavenly Father. There, God hears your worship and your requests and He desires to give you the desires of your heart. Some people cannot or will not take time to pray so there are many answers to prayer that have not been claimed. For others, their prayer life consists of short "sentence prayers" spoken in generalities with no specific details, yet they wonder why God does not rain down an abundance of specific and detailed blessings on them and their family.

These people usually have many needs and complain that they cannot receive answers. They often have little or no joy or direction in life for employment, promotions or ministry. They have no vision or goals or purpose in life. They have a difficult time making decisions that could lead them into a place of abundance --all because they just don't pray. Their example is taking a toll on their children who are watching the example before them. It is because of slothfulness and indifference to responsibility to care for their own spiritual needs first, then others. They have avoided the call of God to seek Him to know the destiny that God ordained for them. What will happen to them? Who can help them? Usually no one can help them until they see themselves as God sees them, people of prayerlessness.

If you have a tendency to lean toward this lifestyle at times, dare to take hold of your life and seek God again. He is waiting to turn your life around and answer your prayers. It may be that even now there are many answers on hold with your name
on them.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Why Prayer is Not Answered - Part 2

Have you ever prayed for an urgent need but did not receive an answer? If so, it's time to look at the possible reasons why earnest prayer was not enough.

The Word of God tells us, "If ye abide in Me and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." (John 15:7.) This seems to be a very clear answer. Every believer feels he is abiding in Christ, but there are nuggets of truth here to consider. To "abide" means to continue in a particular condition, attitude, relationship,to agree to remain steadfast or faithful and to continue without change. This is a picture of truly abiding in Christ! This scripture also tells us "and if MY WORDS abide in you" THEN ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you."

When God's Word abides, stays and remains in us the Word becomes life! If you have been consistent in reading the Word, it is consistently revealing the power of God to your inner man and consistently building confidence in God's promises, provisions and leadership, and your faith is growing. When faith is growing, truth is becoming steadfast and the scriptures are coming alive. It is then that you feel you can believe God for anything...and God honors that faith with His answers to prayer!

Faith grows through abiding in the Word and meditating on the Word until the full impact of His Word becomes strong in the core of your being! That's the inside story of truly abiding in Christ. That is why some believers' prayers are answered more than others. God has no favorites but He does show favor to those who abide close enough to feel the impact of His Word such as John 15:7.

There are other reasons why prayer is not ansered:

1. SIN. Sin is disobedience to the known Word of God. The wages of sin is spiritual death or separation from our relationship with the Lord, therefore sin will prevent answers to prayer. We do not sin in general terms so we cannot ask, "Lord, just forgive me for anything and everything!" No, we sin in specific ways, so we must acknowledge and confess the specific sins we know we have committed, and then ask for forgiveness.

2. UNFORGIVENESS. People who have been wounded often find it difficult to forgive and allow healing to restore them. The Word of God is our Guide in all things. The scripture says, "If ye forgive, your heavenly father will forgive you, but if you forgive not, neither will your heavenly Father forgive you." (Matthew 6:14-15.)If a person has not forgiven others and has not been forgiven by God, he will not be able to enter heaven. Doctors are now discovering that sicknesses (even cancer) are often caused by a wounded heart. Unforgiveness invites infirmities and weakness in the physical body. Notice Jesus did not suggest you had to pretend nothing happened or that you were not hurt. He just said forgive and you will be forgiven. The deeper truth here is that when we truly forgive, we have given the issue to the Lord. When He has received it unconditionally from us, then He will begin to work on everyone else who was involved in the matter, and it will be solved.

A few months ago, a Christian couple had a big misunderstanding and their discussion became so heated that the husband stormed out of the home angrily, got in his car and while driving he was in a head-on collision and died. When he died, he appeared at the gates of heaven but Jesus would not let him enter. "Why?" he asked. "I've served you diligently all my life, Lord." But Jesus told him, "You had an argument with your wife and did not forgive her. You cannot enter here with unforgiveness. Go back! Make it right!" And life returned into the man's body. When he gained consciousness and saw his wife with tears, standing by his side, he immediately asked her to forgive him and they were reconciled. Later, this man wrote this true testimony for the world to read and added: "If you forgive, your heavenly father will forgive you, but if you forgive not, neither will your heavenly Father forgive you. (Matthew 6:14-15. The decision is yours." If you feel there is unforgiveness in your heart, obey the Word and forgive so that your heavenly Father will forgive you and your prayers can be answered!

3. IGNORING THE PROMPTING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit was sent by the Jesus to lead us into all truth and to bring growth and development in our walk with God. Sometimes we pray "Lord, use me. Let me have an assignment to work for you." Some people forget their prayer quickly, but the Holy Spirit doesn't. He watches for an opportunity for you to be blessed by having a part in Kingdom work! When the Holy Spirit then begins to put a need before you and prompts you to do what He asks, but you ignore His prompting, you have grieved Him. The first one or two times you did not obey that prompting, you may have felt something like a "prick" in your heart, reminding you that you did not obey. The next time He would give you an assignment, you may not have felt the prick but you knew something was not right because your prayers were not being answered. Return to your altar! Repent! Ask the Father to forgive you for Jesus'sake and ask Him for another assignment; then be sure that you do not ignore the prompting of the Holy Spirit again but do what He put in you heart. When you obey again, you will notice your prayers will begin to be answered again.

4. UNBELIEF AND DOUBT. Unbelief is a sign that a person does not believe that God means what He says. Doubt is usually an honest question causing a person to desire more informaion or clarification. Doubts can always be resolved by consistent reading of the Word of God and prayer because the Holy Spirit came to teach us all things and He will teach you as you read the Word and pray. Remember: "If we ask anything according to His Will, He heareth us." We know He came to teach us, so we only need to ask and He will help/enable us to understand truth. As truth is revealed, we will have faith to believe for the answers to prayer.

5.BEING OUT OF GOD's WILL. The peace of God is always the predominent factor that let's a child of God know he is in the Will of God. When you feel troubled while pursing a specific plan, you will usually learn quickly that you did not inquire if it was God's will for you or not and usually everything that could go wrong will go wrong.

Getting ahead of God instead of waiting for His timing, unholy relationships that would take you away from your experience with God and/or being unequally yoked together with unbelievers (II Corinthians 6:14), or misplacing scriptures in order to find a way to fulfll ungodly plans, will only lead to darkness of soul and remove your peace. If you find yourself in one of these situations, return to the Lord. Repent! Ask for forgiveness and then do the will of God that your prayer be not hindered!

Many years ago, my Mother had a friend who had a very good marriage. But one day this friend met another man who swept her off her feet and she contemplated divorcing her husband and remarrying. My Mother show her from scripture exactly what God's Word taught: "The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth...." (I Corinthians 7:39.) but she would not listen to counseling. In the meantime it had not rained in Miami for many months and the drought was severe. One day my Mother's friend said she prayed if it would rain on a Thursday, she would know she would have God's permission to divorce her husband and marry her new friend. Guess what! After many months of drought, it did rain on Thursday so the friend divorced her husband and married the new man. From that day, there was no peace in her heart but guilt. In the end she did repent but she lived in sadness until she went home to be with the Lord. Being out of God's will, will alwys hinder the faith needed to believe God for answers to prayer.

Watch for signs that might help you know why some of your prayers are not being answered. The Word of God has stood true through centuries, "Ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you!" Many answers are still waiting for God's people! Your answer is still coming!_________________________________________________

Said the Robin to the Sparrow,
"I should really like to know...why these anxious human beings rush around and worry so!"
Said the Sparrow to the Robin,
"Friend, I think that it must be...that they have no heavenly Father such as cares for you and me!" He careth for you! Dare to believe!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Three Kinds of Faith?

Faith will bring change in your attitude and love for God and life! What kind of faith do you have?

Some people believe in predestination. Some have faith in faith itself, while others understand true faith is born in our hearts by the Holy Spirit and it grows as we read God's Word, develop a prayer life, and act on His Word.

PREDESTINATION. Some people believe in predestination. They believe "what will happen, will happen and it cannot be changed." They forgot the scripture, "Whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son." (Romans 8:29.) It is God's plan that HE has foreknown and predestinated us to receive salvation and His good gifts, but the individual himself has not been called to say the things that happen in his life were meant to be and and could never be changed. "All things are possible to him that believeth." (Mark 9.23) Situations can change in answer to fervent prayer.

Remember Hezekiah! Through Isaiah,the Lord said to Hezekiah, "Set thy house in order for thou shalt die." (2 Kings 20:1.) But Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to God for life. Before Isaiah left the palace grounds, the Lord told Isaiah to return to King Hezekiah and tell him ".....I have heard thy prayer. I have seen thy tears: behold, I will heal thee." (2 Kings 20:5.) A powerful truth here is that God heard his servant Hezekiah's cry and prayer and He will hear the cries of all of His children when they are in need! Just ask, hold on, trust and and prove Him!

Hezekiah asked Isaiah how would he know he would live. Isaiah asked him to make a request and Hezekiah said if the sun dial would be turned back, (if time would be turned back) he would know he would be healed. Isaiah prayed and God turned back the dial on the sun! Amazing! Scientists today recognize something strange happened on the earth many years ago, relating to "time."

Fifteen years were added to Hezekiah's life and reign. This is an example of a definite prophecy being changed in answer to prayer! Hezekiah did not accept the words that he was destined to die. This tells us if negative things happen to us, we are not predestined to be defeated, for hope to be snatched, dreams and plans for our children to be buried or for us to sucumb to death! Maybe the reason some prayers are not answered is because some people do feel that "what will happen, will happen" and they are not able to change the situation. There is no scripture to support this. When you are in need, be encouraged. Pray! God works when we pray. Nothing happens when we don't pray.

Remember first that we are living in the New Covenant with Christ Who died that we might live victoriously and not in defeat! "All things are possible to him that believeth!" Then remember to "Come BOLDLY to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:16.) "We have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of Him." (Ephesians 3:12.)

People may have thought Hezekiah was destined to die if the Lord sent a message to tell him he would die...but notice the faith in Hezekiah's heart. Though he did not have the scriptures you and I have today, he "reminded" God how he had served Him and His people with all his heart. Reminding God helped to strengthen his faith.

God will hear your desperate cry for yourself, a family member or for our nation, too. Remind Him of your walk and obedience before Him. Though you have prayed through for your needs and you know your answer to prayer is on the way, you can still "remind" God that you are standing in faith for your answer to be manifested. There was no predestination to death here!

How's your faith? If you have lived for God faithfully, don't accept negative reports. You can change the course of your life through prayer, too!

FAITH IN FAITH. Some people have no explanaion for this kind of faith but when you listen to them, you can discern that they just believe in the good changes that can come. Their response is, "I'm just believing God for this need." They just hold on to a belief that those things will happen but they have little or no prayer life nor are they faithful to attend church. There is little in their spiritual life that would give the Holy Spirit an opportunity to teach them with facts from scripture.

TRUE FAITH. True faith is in God and His Word. Faith comes by hearing the Word, meditating on it and rehearsing it in your heart until spiritual understanding develops in your spirit man. This believer will be able to discern twisted teachings circulating around him, but recognize the strong guidance of the Holy Spirit when questionable issues are proclaimed as permissible.

Every Bible believing Christian can and should have this kind of faith! It does not come quickly. When you practice believing and acting on the Word, and develop a deeper relaionship with the Lord even in times of trouble, disappointment or chaos, your faith will be nourished and you will grow during your Christian journey. Unfortunately we grow the most when we are in trouble or are being tested, --not when all is well! Feed faith with facts from the Word and grow because "Without faith it is impossible to please God." (Hebrews 11:6.) What kind of faith do you have?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Resist him!

Strongholds will come down when you stand on God's Word and resist the devil!

Living with dreams in an imperfect world, there are times when a Christian's joy seems to disappear and he can only see problems! Sometimes the disappearance of his joy may have been caused by such a little thing as congested traffic every day. It might have been caused by struggles with doubts about God's promises that did not come to pass yet, or it may be his personal sickness. Whatever it is, Jesus knows all about our struggles and He wants you to have peace! Remember His Words, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (John 14:27.) He is Peace, and He gives His peace freely. It is our choice whether we receive it or hold on to the things that trouble us.

Your heavenly Father wants you to know when the cares of life and daily living become greater than His Grace, those are the times when you need to go to Him and make a decision. You can choose to believe God is still in control of your life or you can choose to allow the negative thoughts to be in control. Choose to be an overcomer. To be an overcomer you have to have something to overcome!

Here are some truths I learned during my prayer times concerning negative issues:

1. Resist Satan and go to the Word. When the enemy would try to discourage you, resist him and go to the Source for all answers, God's Word. Find the scripture that will speak to your need and stand on it. There's power in the Word! Speak it aloud. Remind God you are standing on it. When Satan hears the Word he will flee. One scripture that helped me maintain control of many situations is, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. (then...) Resist the devil and he will flee from you." (James 4:7.) Submitting to God for everything enabled me to cooperate with the Holy Spirit to teach me the power of God's Word to trust Him, understand His plan for my life, walk in faith, know His protection on the mission field and to resist doubts, fears and much more! I submit myself to the Lord every day and when problems or sickness attacks, I quote the Word back to him, "Satan, it is written, 'Resist the devil and he will flee.' I don't receive your pain, problems or confusion. I believe God's Word on this situation and I command you to depart from my path now, in Jesus' Name" and he does depart.

2. Resist negative thoughts quickly. If you suddenly begin to feel ill, don't let half of the morning pass without addressing your need to your Father. Take control within minutes, "I resist your pain, Satan. I don't receive it. I have nothing in you and you have nothing in me. I don't receive this report and I command you to take your symptoms and return to the one who sent you. It is written, 'The prayer of faith shall save the sick nd the Lord shall raise him up....'" (James 5:15.) "They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover." (Mark 16:18.)"Now...Father, according to your Word I lay hands on my sickness; I pray the prayer of faith, and declare according to your Word that I am healed and the mnifestation of my healing is on the way, in Jesus' Name!" Amen.

3. Renew your mind immediately. "Father, I resist the negative thoughts that would try to disturb my peace. I renew my mind with gratefulness, praise and thanks for your protection over my family and me, for your provision, for your guidance in new decisions I must make and the assurance that other answers are on the way. Thank you for the victory I have in you today!"

4. Close your ears to words of defeat. When it is possible, refute negative words that were heard, by speaking to the one who spoke them, and reassure that one that there is great victory in speaking the Word when the enemy would try to come in like a flood.

5. Know there is a reason why people live with trouble. It is because the Word has become neglected in their hearts. It does not come to their minds when it is needed. They have forgotten Paul's admonition, "LET (you...permit) the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord." (Colossians 3:16.) The scriptures point the way to a joyful and spirit-filled life: Sing the spiritual songs and quote the Word so that it will come back to you when it is needed. It is by continually submitting to the Lord and continually resisting the devil that victories will be consistent and you will live in His Peace!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

It Happens Through Prayer

Prayer is the only pathway into the direct presence of God where one can receive salvation, followed by life on the highest plateau of peace and fulfillment.

Jesus said, "All power is given unto me in heaven and earth..." (Matthew 28:1) and later in Luke 10:19 He said, "Behold, I give unto you power...(translated in Greek as "authority")...over all the power of the enemy" but you will never experience this power until you learn to pray!

Jesus said, "All things are possible to him that believeth," (Mark 9:23) but you will never have this kind of faith to believe until you learn to pray!

A successful Christian life depends on prayer because it is the only path into the presence of God. Prayer is a special time of communion and fellowship with our Creator, Who said, "Let us make man in our image." It is the time when we learn how the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit continually changes us and we grow into being better citizens as well as stronger believers.

During prayer the following things are taking place in your life:
1. You are learning to know God as Father, intimately.
2. You begin to comprehend how much He loves you and desires that you experience salvation, peace, wellness and wholeness, and how to maintain it every day.
3. You are growing and developing a stronger relationship in your walk with God.
4. You are learning to talk with Him from your heart in praise and worship and in finding answers to your daly needs.

God knows your life's history. He knows the areas of your life that may have been wounded or neglected. He knows the emotional nourishment that may not have been enough when you were growing up and He wants to restore that during your prayer time. He knows the joys, struggles, disappointments and unfulfilled longings. He knows the social handicaps you may have discovered in your life or your spouse's life after you reached adulthood and He wants to restore wholeness even now. He knows your physical condition and wants you to know He purchased healing for you when He went to the cross, carried your sins upon Himself, became the sacrifice that pleased God, paid for sin and its penalty and included healing for your body too.

How can you cope if there are issues or dreams that you cherished and hoped for, for many years but they are still unfulfilled . You can bring them all to your heavenly Father in the name of Jesus, in prayer, because He can fulfll and/or restore them all, one by one. He knows all this and more, and He will show it back to you in greater detail during prayer.

Before you were born, you were in God's mind. He had a special DNA for you that is so unique, that not one of the billions of people on earth have quite the fine-tuned make up of your body! Psalm 139:15 says, "My substance was not hid from thee when I was made in secret... and in thy book all my members were written which in continuance were fashioned when as yet there was none of them." Why do you suppose this was recorded in the Word of God? It was to encourage you and many generations yet unborn to know how precious His thoughts are of you and how great is the sum of them. The scriptures adds, "They are more in number than the sand." (Psalm 139:18.)

When I was a little girl, our family lived in Miami, Florida. Every summer, our parents took all six of us children to the well-known Miami Beach. I remember putting a pinch of white beach sand in the palm of my hand and trying to count the grains. I wanted to see how many could be in one pinch because they could actually be counted if one had the patience. My attention span was so short then, I usually counted to 100, threw the sand in the air and ran to the water as the tide came rolling in. As the years went by and I discovered the verse of scripture in Psalm 139:18, I remembered my pinch of sand and I was overwhelmed to know God's thoughts about me were compared to the number of the grains of sand! What a thought! There could have been at least 1,000 grains in one pinch if not more. Looking down the beach that stretched for miles and miles north and south from where I stood, told me there was no way to even begin to estimate how many grains of sand were there. I believe the truth our Father wants us to know is that we could never estimate how much and how often He is thinking of each of His children throughout the world, and how much He is watching over them with love and care. What a profound truth!

It is in prayer that we learn to associate these truths to our lives personally and perceive the Holy Spirit speaking them into our spirit for comfort and reassurance from time to time.

Your times of prayer are doing more in your life than you could possibly know. They are times when He speaks clearly, simple messages just for you. The more time you spend in prayer, the more He will speak and minister to your specific needs for each day, and in the meantime you will grow to be a spiritual giant that causes weaker believers to desire what you have! It is awesome, and it all happens through prayer!

Friday, October 5, 2007

God Is There All the Time!

All Christians have experienced times when they could not sense God's presence.

Sometimes God is just silent and wants us to know it does not necessarily mean something is wrong; we are just maturing in our walk with Him and He is still with us. Sometimes it may be that we stepped out of His will, especially if we have no direction and God's voice cannot be heard. Whether we "feel" His presence every moment or not, God is always there! He promised He would never leave us nor forsake us! When the silent times come, it is good to say, "This too, shall pass"

Our faith is often strengthened when we read about great men that God used. All of them experienced times when it seemed God was distant, yet God was very present and often worked miracles through them. Elijah was known to be one of the most outstanding prophets of his time. He was one who was mightily used of God! When he prayed, God heard and answered. His prayer held back invading armies and supernaturally defeated those that were determined to destroy the Israelites who were moving into their Promised Land. But the new residents were becoming interested in the life styles of heathen nations around them and they slowly began to drift into their sinful practices. Because of their great sins, Elijah called for a drought for three years and it did not rain for three and a half years. His concern for Israel was so great he called for a contest between Baal and God, declaring "Whoever answers by fire, let Him be God." The backslidden Israelites agreed that whoever answered by fire would be proclaimed as God.

The contest began. First, the Baal worshipers called on Baal to send down fire from heaven, but nothing happened. Then it was Elijah's turn. First, Elijah repaired the altar! (This is important to remember before we ask God to perform a miracle for us.) Then, placing the wood, sacrifice and water on the altar he prayed for fire! The fire not only came down and consumed the sacrifice but also the altar, water, dust and the rocks used to form the altar! It was surely an awesome sight.

When the Israelites saw the demonstration of God's power again, they remembered the miracles God had performed in the past and they fell on their faces at once declaring that Jehovah was God. (I Kings 18:39). Seeing the Israelites were in the mood to obey God, Elijah commanded that they take all the prophets of Baal and the groves and kill every one, and they did. It was a mighty demonstration of God's power and victory that day. In his zeal and victory, Elijah then announced an abundance of rain and went to the mountain to pray.

But we read when King Ahab's wife, Jezebel, heard that her prophets were killed, she ignored the powerful demonstration of God's power that consumed Elijah's sacrifice and in anger, she declared that Elijah would be killed the next day about that time! The news got back to Elijah and..... suddenly, he fled for his life!

We may wonder why Elijah fled. Elijah, the mighty servant of God with power to save and destroy, had fled from a woman.... because of a threat? Yes. Though God demonstrated His power through him, Elijah was still human. He was weary. He felt his calling and responsibility to God, but he may have struggled with discouragement because his messages were ignored. In a moment, weariness caused him to lose focus and the news gripped his heart; he forgot the great success. He may have even wondered if God was there to hear Jezebel's threat,...and he fled 18-30 miles toward Horeb.

How easy it is for us to become discouraged too when we see friends and family ignore the God Who performed mighty answers to prayer in their lives. Notice the facts about Elijah's response that are so human and are so much like ours sometimes, even though we love God as Elijah loved God.

1. He forgot to inquire of God what he should do. He just fled! God could have protected him from Jezebel, yet He allowed his servant to flee. The reason this response is recorded in God's Word is to teach us that much time can be wasted when we run with our own plans that did not have God's approval! Though we can always return to God after making wrong decisions, wasted years can never be redeemed! Listen, and remember!

2. Because he had no direction from God, he came to a "wilderness." He didn't think ahead that there would be no water, no food, no direction or people while he was running without God's directive. In today's world, a person who would run from God will run into the snare of the devil who has no living water, no food to nourish his soul, no direction to share with him, no answers for comfort or direction and no person available who would be interested to help. People are a million miles from the gates of peace when they're one little step from God. Yet, God is there waiting for a call!

4. But God followed His weary prophet and watched as Elijah sat under a juniper tree and asked to die.

6. Being weary, Elijah fell asleep. At meal time, God dispatched an angel to bring a flask of water, to make a fire and bake a hot lunch. Then the angel tapped him on the shoulder and told him to "Arise and eat. The journey is too hard for thee." Sometimes you may become weary too, but reading of God's tender care over his weary prophet, will restore your faith to know that God is there with you and He knows you have reached a point where your "journey is too great" for you." It's time for a rest whether you feel His presence or not. In His unique way, He will give you rest. Then He will encourage you, too: "Don't be weary....I have prepared a special table in the presence of your need!" At a time like that recall God's Word, "Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." (Galatians 6:9) And follow Him to His special table prepared just for you. It will be located in your time of communion and prayer with Him.

7. Elijah fled quickly! If we run, we will have run FROM God and we will always have to RETURN TO where we left off following the direct will of God, if we want Him to lead and guide us. Elijah had to.

8. There was no need for Elijah to go to Horeb because when he reached Horeb (about 180 miles south of where he sat under the juniper tree), he was sent right back, and further north than the place he had started from. It took him 40 days to arrive at Horeb, then another 80 days to arrive at his next assignment.

9. As he continued traveling those 40 days and nights in the strength of only two lunches, he found a cave and entered. He was still in a wilderness but God was following him. With tender compassion God asked: "What are you doing here, Elijah?" Elijah answered, "I was jealous for the Lord God....for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant and have thrown down thy altars and slain thy prophets and I only am left." In other words, "I gave them the Word you gave me, and diligently fulfilled all of your assignments to me, but they forsook you, God." God listened. He understood Elijah's heart cry and instructed him to go stand on the mountain.

In his cave on the mountain, discouraged Elijah heard the strong wind; he felt the earthquake rock the mountain and saw the fire that broke out, but they didn't get his attention. He knew God was not in them. But then.... suddenly he heard a still small voice, and recognizing that voice from many years of close fellowship and service with God, something stirred within him again as it had many times before, and he arose! He knew God was near! God made the difference in a moment, and Elijah came out of the cave when he heard God's voice! You will come out of your cave of life's temporary situations too, when you hear God's voice!

When Elijah stepped out of the cave, he was refreshed and restored again! He was ready to follow God's next assignment. Isn't it good when you can hear God's voice after a time of struggle, or feeling temporarily out of focus? It is reassuring to know God is always there.

Has God asked you, "My son, my daughter, what are you doing here?" He followed you to the place where you are right now! He knows your address or the location of your wilderness! Through the preaching of your pastor or spiritual leader, He will speak to you. Like Elijah, when you hear His voice you too, will come out of your cave of discouragement, disappointment or weariness! Stay in close fellowship with Him through prayer and meditation on His Word until your way becomes clear! You are just passing through to the next level of information related to the assignment He gave you! Call! He's there!

Do you feel you may have reacted too quickly to information and drawn your own conclusion that you missed God? Do you feel you delayed His plan for your life? He knows what's happening and He will talk with you about any issue on your mind if you call. He is still there, waiting to speak and restore! Call!

"God hath not promised skies always blue; flower strewn pathways all our lives through. He hath not promised sun without rain, joy without sorrow or peace without pain. But God hath promised strength for the day; rest for our labors, light for our way! 'Grace for each trial, help from above, unfailing sympathy and undying love!" Yes, God promised, "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." (Hebrews 13:5).

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Your Check-up

Every believer is on a different level of Christian growth and development!

Why are some Christians a joy to be around? They are full of faith, zeal, joy, inspiration and are always talking about the positive side of life. They are growing. They are a good example of a Bible believing Christian. The Christian life is a growing life. Every grace and blessing of the gospel is in seed form and is implanted in the new child of God to grow. "Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." (2 Peter 3:18).

A Nutritionist is often consulted to examine the condition of sick people with certain diseases or physical weaknesses. At times, he may make certain recommendations that restore health and prolong life. Sometimes the only thing that is needed is for the sick person to change to a new diet and life style. If an evaluation is made and the sick person begins to make the change, it is amazing how quickly the body will respond and life will be restored again! It began with a check-up.

At times all of us need to take a check-up of our walk with God. Are we spiritually healthy and are we continually growing? Where are we in our daily commitment and obedience? How is your periodic check-up today? Ask yourself the following questions:

1. "Do I expect to meet God when I attend church, or do I attend only out of a sense of duty without any expectations?"
"Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; for He is faithful that promised." (Hebrews 10:23) If you attend church expecting to meet God, He will be sure to meet you. Hold fast to your faith. Expect Him to speak into your spirit with His Word. There will be a special Rhema Word just for you in every sermon, but you must be attentive and listening to know when it is spoken for you! Though the message may be a subject you think is not relative, it will actually minister not only to you but to everyone, differently, according to the many situations represented in that service. Why? Because much prayer by your pastor, church staff and prayer group drew the Holy Spirit into your service to meet people and their needs. Go to church expecting God to meet you. He is faithful.

2. "Do I prepare my heart for the preaching of God's Word before I attend the next service or do I at least pray for the service on my way to church?"
Praying for the service on the way to church will make a difference in your life and in the service you attemd!

In Korea, the 800,000 members of the Yoido Full Gospel (Assemblies of God) Church pray for Dr David Yonggi Cho and all 700+ pastors of their church during the week and especially before they enter the sanctuary for the next service. It is no wonder that when Dr Cho preaches, the anointing is so powerful on God's Word that many people are saved, healed or received answers to prayer in each of the seven services on Sunday. The Rhema Word that came forth strengthened many people and gave answers they needed. As they prayed for their pastor, his ministry back to them was with power which caused them to pray for him more, --which continued the anointing upon the Word and ministry! Think of what could happen in your church if everyone prayed during the week for your pastor and then prayed on their way to church too! It would bring the presence of God into the sanctuary for the service. People would be saved. Others would be healed or delivered of bondages and depression. God desires to work but He works only when we pray! If this thought stirs your heart you could be the first to be the example of praying for your pastor during the week or for a ministry that was entrusted to you! YOU can make a difference! Pray for the next service you attend.

3. "Do I take notes of the sermons and meditate on them during the week?"
Pastors spend a lot of time in prayer to know the leading of the Holy Spirit for each service. They spend time, sometimes even hours, in prayerful meditation before the Lord to receive a confirmation or to be sure they have the right sermon for that specific day and know what more God desires to do for His people in that service. The Holy Spirit knows who will be present. He knows every intricate detail and time deadline of needs present in each service. Though people may not share information with anyone, they go to church to hear from God. The Holy Spirit who sees all, knows they will be present so He directs the message for that service to be a special Word for someone. Knowing this, how wonderful it is to know that a special Word from God has come for a person and it is meeting a definite need for him in that service. If you have taken notes, God can use the notes to bless you or someone else who may cross your path that week. That would be a ministry assignment planned by God for you. Take notes of your pastor's sermons.

4. "Do I diligently seek to obey the instructions and commandments given in God's Word as being specific truth for me?"
I feel sad when I hear a lukewarm Christian say she believes God will make an exception for her if she does not obey the Word because God knows her weakness. God's Word is straightforward and true. "Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin." (John 8:34.)"To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin.' (James 4:17.)and sin will not enter Heaven. Examine your obedience to all of God's Word. If you are following his Word diligently with no exceptions, God wants to use you to speak a special Word at the right time to the right person in the right place that will convict, bring repentance and guide someone back to the truth again. Continue to be diligent to obey all of God's Word

5. "Have I made a commitment to be faithful to my church?"
Being faithful to worship with other believers is not an option. It is a command: "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together..." (Hebrews 10:25.) The New Testament believers became an example for us to follow. "And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread and prayers." (Acts 2:42.) God led you to the church you are attending and caused you to grow there. He has plans for you to continue to grow there. It happens as you continue to walk steadfastly in doctrine taught by your church, in fellowship with other believers in your church (both strong Christians and weak ones because you were also weak at one time), taking the elements of communion together in your church, and participating in the prayer groups that pray one for another.

At times you may see inconsistencies that trouble you, but because you see them, it means the situation is your personal assignment to pray for them until God solves the problem. He can solve anything when God's people pray. Everyone has a part in the building of God's kingdom. He meant that to include you. Though an issue may appear insignificant, if it disturbs your peace, it usually means God has assigned you to pray for that issue! That is a sign of growing and developing to the next level of God's trust in you!

David said in Psalm 72:13, "Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall FLOURISH in the courts of our God." God's design for a church is to minister nourishment to you and for you to minister nourishment to others from the nourishment you received. His desire is for your spiritual man to flourish, --grow spiritually, mature steadily, be an encourager faithfully and be an example of the believer always. A steady diet of spiritual nourishment from the same church will bring more solid, steady growth to a believer than if one moves from church to church where the spiritual nourishment may not be what your soul needs. God looks for faithfulness while He takes care of you. Someday, when we stand in His presence He will know the grade on your report card for the issues in His Word that He desired you to take care of for Him. Make a new commitment to be faithful to your church.

Just as it takes time for a new born infant to grow to manhood, or for the sun to rise in the morning, or for a beautiful rose bud to bloom in all of its beauty, it also takes time for you to experience growth in your Christian walk with God. But it is definitely happening as you are faithful to remain planted in the church where the Holy Spirit led you. There, you will flourish

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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Fasting and Prayer

Faith needs the Word of God AND prayer for its full development and growth!

Prayer needs fasting to gain power to bring deliverance to people and circumstances that are difficult! Fasting has produced wonders when prayer and faith came together! They are MIRACLES and they are happening in this century today! They will still happen when people fast and pray because fasting with prayer will break the power of evil! Isaiah 58:6 says, "Is not this the fast that I have chosen? To loose the bands of wickedness!"

In Korea, Christians go often to "Prayer Mountain," owned and operated by the Yoido Full Gospel (Assemblies of God) Church in Seoul, Korea. I have heard many testimonies of diseases totally healed and/or circumstances completely reversed. Are the Korean people the only people who experience these phenominal answers to prayer? No! People from many countries who heard of Prayer Mountain made application to rent a room at Prayer Mountain and traveled to Korea to spend quaility time in prayer with other believers who are also fasting and praying. On any given day, as many as 2,000 people from all over Korea and/or other countries will have visited Prayer Mountain to spend quality time in prayer.

One outstanding incident that happened while I was still a missionary in Korea, concerned a businessman. He had just returned from the bank with the payroll for his employees when the entire money bag disappeared. Stunned and frightened as to what he should do, he called his Christian associates who worked with him and told them he was going to Prayer Mountain to fast and pray. He would return when he had an answer. This is a common decision among believers in Korea when there seems to be no other recourse. It was the middle of the week. He fasted and prayed asking God to supernaturally intervene and cause the person who took the payroll to return it. By that weekend he received a call. The person on the other end of the line confessed he was the one who stole the money and asked his boss, "If I return the entire amount will you forgive me and not turn me over to the police?" When he was assured he would be forgiven, the thief drove the 30 miles to Prayer Mountain and surrendered the payroll, still in the same bag, in the same amount of bills and change as the owner had received it from the bank. "Why didn't you spend it?" the owner asked. "Every time I put my hand in the bag," the thief said, "my hand began to tremble uncontrolably and I knew this was something different....maybe God was telling me to return it." The boss forgave the thief and led him to the Lord and today the would-be thief is a born again spirit-filled believer and one of the elders of the church! What a lesson! But the greater lesson was that fasting and earnest prayer brought the answer! Today, miracles are still happening when people are desperate and serious enough to fast and pray for their answer.

"ALL things are possible to him that believeth!" Mark 9:23.

Fasting is not abstaining from meats except fish. It is not drinking only juices but continuing with a heavy daily schedule, or abstaining from some pleasures but not others. It is coming away from the cares of life to pray, especially during the time you would normally have your meals. It is making a sacrifice of your time for God Who alone can bring a supernatural answer! It was said of the Israelites, "When you fast, you still do the things you enjoy. There is no self-denial. You fill up your day with things, business or pleasure. In other words, you set your own plans how you will fast!" It is best to follow the plan God directed Isaiah to give us. The question is "To see our family born again and have healing in our life, are we serious enough to fast and pray for it?"

In Isaiah 58:6, we read of God's purposes in fasting and praying:
1. To loose the bands of wickedness, perhaps over your family, city or from witchcraft.
2. To undo heavy burdens such as your need for finances to pay bills, to find a job that will last or family squabbles and bickering.
3. To let the oppressed go free. Today many people suffer from depression, being overcome with grief, working with ungodly work partners and experiencing defiance with children.
4. To break every yoke such as drugs, alcohol, perversion, unfaithfulness, sickness, a spreading disease or weakness, continual poverty and/or bad habits.

Isaiah 58:7-8 adds, Before you begin a fast "Hide not thyself from thy own flesh." Don't pretend all is well if you know it is not. Take care to confess, repent and mend family disputes first and then when you fast and pray, your prayers will not be hindered.

God has given us solutions in His Word to every situation: how to live in divine health, see our family return to the Lord, make us strong in the calling He placed in us, give direction when we don't know what to do and to break every bondage. The answers lie within our reach. The answer is to fast and pray!

Friday, September 21, 2007

When God is Silent

It's interesting to note that there were times when God was silent to the very people whom He chose to use for special assignments.

Hezekiah was a great King who did all that was right in God's sight but he experienced God's silence when God's word to him may have changed the course of history in his day. God wanted to know if he would always consult Him in all of his decisions. "And God left him, to try him, that He might know all that was in his heart." (II Chronicles 32:31). When the Caldean astronomers came to inquire about the God who could turn the sun backward, instead of giving praise to God for the miracle,Hezekiah unwisely showed them all of his treasures. Later, Judah was invaded and all the rich treasures were taken to Assyria.

Though Hannah prayed to God earnestly for a child, she experienced grief and sorrow and God's silence. Careful reading of her life, we can conclude God had to prepare a Hannah before He could prepare a Samuel. Though not recorded in scripture, I perceive her strong intercessory prayer included her promise to pray for Samuel all the days of his life if God granted her request. She may have forseen his leadership role as a prophet and she may have vowed a promise to never take him away from his calling. Samuel became the second most outstanding prophet of his day. This is the power of a praying Mother!

Job was a man of great wealth and influence. He was blameless and a man of outstanding character. He suffered with unimaginable pain and loss yet God was silent during this period. He lost his family and wealth and his wife even told him to curse God and die. His life style of serving God and praying for each of his children tell us he was a righteous man. Through it all he maintained his integrity and said, "Though He slay me yet will I trust Him!" Job did not know that God had given permission to Satan to severely test him. He steadfastly confirmed that God does not forsake His children. When the testing time was over, God graciously restored twice as much as Job had before, but the great contest between Satan and God proved that Job loved God through all of his severe testing.
Can you say that?

Every believer will meet a time in his life when God will be silent but the silence should bring a time of soul searching to find out the reason. One comforting scripture for everyone who is being tested today, is God's promise: "There hath no temptation (or test) taken you but such as is common to man; but God is faithful Who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." (1 Corinthians 10:13).

God's silence in our lives causes us to search for Him until we reach Him in prayer. Sometimes the silent period is the most important tool God uses to draw us unto Himself. If you are passing through a period when God is silent to you, don't be discouraged. It's testing time! When God is silent is the time to pray and ask Him to reveal the reason, if any, for His silence.

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Designated Driver

Do you have a Designated Driver?

Traffic in a foreign country can be a challenge! Sometimes signs are printed only in the local language or there are no signs at all. Sometimes a major artery through the city can change to a "One Way" street for a short distance during construction and it becomes necessry to follow temporary signs through narrow winding detour roads to a destination. While we were serving as missionaries in Korea and Thailand, we had a part time driver. He knew the city well and the legitimate parking areas. He knew where we needed to go and he knew many short cuts that enabled us to arrive at our appointments on time. We could relax with confidence in heavy traffic because he knew the city very well. When I returned to Korea alone after my husband went on to be with the Lord, I had a driver also.We enjoyed close friendships with both of these drivers and their families. They became our designated drivers.

God knows the tomorrows of our life and knows Who can help us make the connections that will bring us to every appointment He assigned to us. He sent the Holy Spirit to guide us, teach us, warn us, keep us safe, and often to change our route in order to prevent us from missing a directional signal or experience something He saw ahead. The ministry of the Holy Spirit in your life is to guide you into all truth, and perfect all things that concern you. "When He the Spirit of Truth is come, He will guide you into all truth." (John 16;13). "He that hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6).

The Holy Spirit will even show us things to come. When we were finalizing plans to go to Korea as new missionaries, we were to travel by ship so that we could take many supplies with us. Days before we were to board the S.S.Nancy Lykes in Galveston, Texas, I felt troubled that something might happen. As usual, I spent a lot of time praying and asking the Lord to show me what this meant. Because we had last minute dental appointments, we needed to take our last shots, and had the last farewell dinners with family and friends, I felt there was not enough time to pray as we needed to.

On the day we were to board the ship, during my prayer time early in the morning, I had a vision of a great storn or typhoon on the ocean. The Holy Spirit made me to know, yes, we would go through a typhoon but "The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms." (Deuteronomy 33:27.) Our ship did go through that typhoon and what would have normally taken 10 days to travel to Korea, turned out to be 35 days on the water! The turbulent waves were 40 feet high! Our ship was tossed about like a tiny cork! The wind insruments blew away after registering 100 m.p.h! It was a frightening experience to say the least. Arriving in Seoul, I noticed the heavy one-inch stainless steel steps that led onto the ship had been ripped apart on one side and hung like wet spaghetti, but we arrived in Korea safely! Though I would not want to go through that typhoon again, the experience gave me a deeper appreciation and gratitude for the power and reassurance of God's Word: "Underneath are the everlasting arms!"

Though it was a painful experience while passing through it, the experience was what I needed in the years ahead to accomplish all God did in Korea and Thailand. God is faithful! I often thanked Him for showing me the typhoon to come and giving me a specific Word of reassurance that He was with us in the typhoon. I realized again and again how powerfully the Holy Spirit directed all the affairs of our lives to bring us to the land of our calling! He had shown me many things to come.

Sometimes the Holy Spirit also allows us to see how well He can protect us IN the middle of what could be a tragedy! Sometime ago, while on the expressway in Baton Rouge, a piece of 2x4 fell off a truck four vehicles ahead of us, landing in the middle of the expressway. It was during the rush hour. The driver of the car immediately behind the truck slammed on his brakes, swerved to miss the 2x4 and missed traffic in the next lane. Watching what was happening, drivers of the next three cars (and ours was the fourth) tried to avoid the 2x4 also. Everyone behind him hit his brakes suddenly , leaving a trail of black smoke and back tire marks. My daughter cried out aloud, "Jesus, Jesus!" and began to decide what she should do. To swerve to the right could have caused a possible collision with the next lane traffic. To swerve to the left, we were approaching the soft, uneven grassy shoulder that began to slope downward to traffic on a busy road under that area of the expressway. Suddenly each of the four drivers turned onto the soft shoulder hoping to miss the slope and not turn over on to the traffic below. Instantly there was a four car pile up. But as each driver got out quickly and checked on each other, only one car had touched the bumper of the car ahead of him and no one was injured! Two police cars were on the scene in minutes, followed by two ambulances. Miraculously it was uneventful! Everyone was shook up except the truck driver. He was probably lost somewhere in the traffic ahead. Driving home, I recognized the peace of God was very present in our car as if nothing had happened. Since we had prayed that morning and asked for divine protection, the Holy Spirit Himself had been our Protector, providing quick insight, directing our car supernaturally to a stop, and preventing what might have been a tragedy.

When we traveled in Korea and Thailand, we always asked the angel of the Lord to travel in front of our car, in back of our car, on both sides, over and under it and be in it with us! Our two children and their families still pray that simple prayer before taking an extended trip. In the Psalms David said, "For He shall give His angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways." (Psalm 91:11) His Word proved to be true again that day!

We need a Guide everyday, one we can depend on to lead us when we are in uncharted areas of life, in decision making, in choices and to guide us back into the Way with Christ if we begin to falter or take a detour away from Him. We need a Guide who knows the unmarked paths in the new areas we are moving into. Jesus said He would send One who could fill all those needs. His name is the Holy Spirit! (John 15). He will become all you need for all the happenings in your life! He will be like a Designated Driver because He knows the way Home! Let Him be yours!

Friday, September 7, 2007

The "Prayer of Authority"

Do you have authority over the happenings in your life?

While talking with His disciples one day, Jesus said, "Behold, I give unto you power.....over all the power of the enemy." (Luke 10:19). But in Greek, it reads "I give unto you AUTHORITY over all the power of the enemy!" There is a great difference between power and authority. Power is the ability to do something. Authority is power delegated to someone to act and take command in the place of another. When we accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, He shared His authority with us just as He did with His disciples, to command the power of the enemy to depart in His name. All is ALL. There is nothing more than ALL and nothing less than ALL! Did you know Jesus shared His authority with you? Did you know you can take command over the enemy's onslaughts against you? Satan knows you have this authority. Do you?

Satan does have power! We cannot deny it. We see evidence of ruined lives. He has been responsible for evil and he has often been the author of accidents, sickness and many kinds of devastation around us. But Jesus reminds you in His Word that He defeated Satan at the cross for you. His part is finished. Now that He returned to His heavenly Father, you are His representative to continue to do the same work He did; and to do this He empowered you with His authority to take command over the works of the enemy just as He did. Your results will happen according to the power of Christ that works within you which comes and develops through a daily consistent prayer life!

How can you know this is true? First, because you are a born again believer, He said in Luke 10:19 "I give unto you power (translated "authority" in Greek)over ALL the power of the enemy." Second, He said His word will not return unto Him void. "So shall my Word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: It shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." Isaiah 55:11. He knew every believer would need supernatural power to be effective to preach, witness, pray for various needs in the lives of people, and over difficult personal situations that demand more than human effort. Why do some people reach out to specific people to pray for them? It's because they know who can pray the prayer of faith with authority for desperate situations. Every believer today needs this kind of power and it is available to you too, if you take time to allow the Holy Spirit to develop it in you, through your prayer life!

If we stood in the middle of a busy intersection and raised our hand to stop traffic, we would be mashed all over the street because we don't have enough power to stop traffic. But, if we had a badge of authority, stood in the same place and raised one hand to stop traffic, every vehicle would stop. They would see our badge and would know it represented approval from a higher authority to take command of the traffic! Satan knows you have authority. But do you know it? Have you used it and do you speak with that authority? You and I are living in the enemy's heavy traffic wherever we work, study or mingle with people who do not know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, but we also have divine help every day! Use it!

We work, pray, share our testimony and live a life of victory because we not only have authority to represent Jesus and His power but we have His authority to use it to do His Work! You can take command of the enemy's work against you or your family, or over those who concern you who once lived for God but drifted away!

The enemy may strike at you with defeatism, physical weakness, low self esteem, bad habits, anger, sharpness, every kind of sickness and bondage, lawlessness, sadness, problems in your marriage or relationships, hopelessness or negative speaking but don't get discouraged. Strike back at him with the Word of God! Remember that you have authority to take command and cancel his assignment! So speak the Word, "No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper....," then command him to depart in Jesus' name and he will depart!

Though every believer in Christ has received this authority, it must be used to see it in operation. A person can not receive it until it is given and one will not have to "take it by faith" after it is given. It was given to do the works of Christ: to witness, share the gospel, pray for the sick and bondages of many kinds, and live in victory. If you have never prayed with authority over your needs, you can begin today. Factors you need to know are these:

1. Repair your altar.... and prayerfully search your heart. Go again to the fountain filled with blood that Jesus shed for your sins. Confess any sins, repent, turn away from that which you know is not pleasing to God and renew your vows/commitment to Him.

2. Believe Jesus'words that He shared His authority with all believers (Luke 10:19) and He included you.

3. Read God's Word again and again until the Holy Spirit makes this truth real. Read again, "Behold, I give unto you....power (authority) over all the power of the enemy!" Remember that means you. Also read Matthew 16:19, "And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Keys are a symbol of authority. They mean power and authority to do the works of Christ wherever there are needs on your job, at the supermarket, hospital, home, among those with addictions and/or your personal weaknesses. It is His authority, not yours, but He freely shared it with you because you are His representative today. Praying with His authority will make the difference in your answers to prayer.

4. If you desire to experience the power of this truth, when you pray begin to take authority over personal issues in your own life first. Renewing the mind is a good place to start. If thoughts arise, "My family will never get back to God..." Stop! Renew your mind by taking authority over the negative words. Renounce them. Quote another scripture: "The weapons of our warfare (my warfare) are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (including my stronghold of negative speaking); casting down imaginations (doubts, my negative words about my family) and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God (because the enemy is trying to make those thoughts seem more powerful than God's promises) and bringing into captivity EVERY THOUGHT to the obedience of Christ." There is power in the Word of God! Speak the Word!

5. Then pray, "Father, I thank you for sharing your authority with me over ALL the works of the enemy (Luke 10:19). I stand on your Word now. I take authority over the negative thoughts and words that I have spoken, now. I cancel them now, in Jesus' Name! I choose to renew my mind by taking authority over other issues too, (and name them here one by one). I command them to depart in Jesus' Name. Thank you for victory now! Thank you Father for answering my prayer, in Jesus' Name!"

If you need healing in any area of your life, healing in your family problems, perhaps a stronghold of bitterness from one member of your family, finances, unknown factors in relationships in the work place and/or physical body healing, you can pray for these things to come under the authority Jesus shared with you. Speak to them one at a time naming the specific need (example): "I take authority over the "arthritis in my feet" or "poor circulation in my hands" etc., and standing on Jesus' declaration that He shared His authority with me, --I bind you arthritis in Jesus' Name according to Luke 10:19. I speak to you arthritis to develop no further. I command this condition to be reversed, in Jesus' Name! I command every cell in the area of my need to respond to the living Word of God, in Jesus' Name. I speak wholeness, wellness and supernatural strength for it is written, 'By His stripes ye WERE HEALED.' and 'No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper....' therefore, no weapon that is formed against me, shall prosper in Jesus Name!' Thank you Father for honoring your Word as I stood on it firmly, in Jesus' Name!" Following your prayer, it is important that you follow up with time to sit in God's presence to worship and thank Him for hearing and answering prayer.

As you take authority over areas of your life first that need to be changed, your faith to pray for other issues with authority, will grow. One day during prayer, you will notice your faith developed to a higher level and the prayer of authority finally became natural in your prayer life. One day, you will be able to command a hurricane to return to the ocean and dissolve without reaching land and also stop undercover plans at work.

God is faithful! His Word is true! You can live in victory with all He said He provided for you, and He will do all He promised He would do. His Word will not return unto Him void!

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