Saturday, July 14, 2007

When Should I Pray?

New Christians often ask, " When is the best time to pray?" I often tell them, "When you especially feel 'drawn' in your heart to pray, that's the time to find a place to be alone with God and pray. Your new Friend and Senior Partner Who is the Holy Spirit, is letting you know God desires you to take time to talk with Him now or as soon as possible.

"Now that you are in the family of God you will notice a desire to discover all you can about your new relationship. There's a new excitement in your life! With your sins washed away and an unexplainable peace in your heart you will be in awe at the wonder how 'Old things are passed away and all things are (now) become new! (II Cor. 5:17)' To keep this wonderful peace, you need to maintain a fellowship/friendship with the Lord just as you maintain friendships with your closest friends. At times you will feel a need to to pray, so begin where you are in your new relationship (or restored relationship) and pray/talk with your heavenly Father."

A young child does not have a great vocabulary. Though his Mother and Father understand what he needs before he begins to talk well, they still desire him to come and talk. In the same way, your heavenly Father knows what you need before you begin to pray but He still desires you to come and share everything with Him. Share your new joy, your concerns, a severe mess of a problem, the new peace that you experienced since you surrendered your life to Him, and anything else. You may always talk with a Christian friend but you now have the privilege of talking directly with God. That's awesome! The more you talk with Him, the more you will be aware of Him actually walking and talking with you. He already knows all about you ( Psalm 139) but He desires you to know all about Him. He desires you to know He has a destiny planned for you. He wants you to know He is the Master Planner of your life and that destiny, and that He can turn anything around as you share your needs and desires with Him! Remember how I prayed as a child and how God answered my prayer? (see the last entry "A Child's Prayer")

Scripture says, "No man cometh unto the Father except the Spirit "draw" Him." It's important to recognize the drawing you feel is the Spirit of God Himself wanting you to know He desires to have a time of fellowship with you. He desires you to go aside for prayer as soon as possible, so obey His nudge or call. It could be the beginning of learning to have a daily appointment with God. You would learn tremendous things He is doing in you during your personal growing experience. He will talk with you about the things you pray for. So, be sensitive. Respond to the times you feel "drawn" to pray. This is a powerful truth I learned early in my Christian experience and I pass it on to you.

Great things are ahead for those who obey the call of the Spirit! It's not by might nor by power but by His Spirit that you will grow strong in the faith. It comes through the Word of God and prayer!


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