Friday, July 6, 2007

A Child's Prayer

It was in a children's Sunday School class that I first learned that God would answer prayer. I was eight or nine years old. My Dad had a serious case of diabetes and I had bad tonsils that became inflamed every Fall, causing a high fever and delirium. All six of us children began to pray for Dad to be healed. It didn't matter to me that he had diabetes ten years, that his diet was very strict, and that he had to work 15-16 hours daily. It didn't seem impossible that God could remove my tonsils either, so I prayed two or three times every day. My faith seemed to be in the Scripture our Sunday School teacher taught, "All things are possible to him who believeth." In my childlike way I reminded God these were His words and I didn't want my Daddy to die. I also reminded Him how painful my tonsils were every year.

On an ordinary day my Dad commented that he was feeling better and that he wanted to visit another doctor. At the doctor's office the first set of tests determined there was no diabetes. My Dad asked for the tests to be administered again and the second time the tests came back, "no diabetes." Needless to say the family was excited. It meant God had answered our earnest prayer! After the second set of tests my Dad told the doctor he had suffered with this problem ten years but that God had healed him. The doctor only smiled and offered no comment. The diabetes never returned.

In the meantime, I had many bouts with sore, swollen and ragged tonsils. But I continued to ask the Lord to heal me.

Again, on another ordinary February day about two years later, I suddenly realized Fall came and went and I didn't have tonsilitis. Excited, I ran to our one and only mirror in the bathroom. I opened my mouth wide and to my shock and surprize my throat was as smooth as a baby's skin! I didn't know what happened or how, but I knew God had answered my prayer. All the children in my Sunday School class and all the people who attended my church heard the testimony of this child and the awesome answer to prayer.

What brought the answer to the two urgent needs? First of all I learned as a child that God answers prayer. I learned that if I prayed specifically I would receive a specific answer. Secondly, if I prayed God's Word, He would always honor it.

Many many years have come and gone. My needs have been varied, but I will always remember these two points. Sometimes we stop praying too soon, become discouraged and the faith that would have moved God was set aside. Yes, we stop praying too soon! I encourage you to dare to believe God. Your miracle is still on the way.

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1 comment:

Delite. said...

so inspiring!
I work with Children and was researching Childlike faith and prayers for the sick.
what an amazing testimony you have :)

bless you!

Olivia Spink.