Friday, September 7, 2007

The "Prayer of Authority"

Do you have authority over the happenings in your life?

While talking with His disciples one day, Jesus said, "Behold, I give unto you power.....over all the power of the enemy." (Luke 10:19). But in Greek, it reads "I give unto you AUTHORITY over all the power of the enemy!" There is a great difference between power and authority. Power is the ability to do something. Authority is power delegated to someone to act and take command in the place of another. When we accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, He shared His authority with us just as He did with His disciples, to command the power of the enemy to depart in His name. All is ALL. There is nothing more than ALL and nothing less than ALL! Did you know Jesus shared His authority with you? Did you know you can take command over the enemy's onslaughts against you? Satan knows you have this authority. Do you?

Satan does have power! We cannot deny it. We see evidence of ruined lives. He has been responsible for evil and he has often been the author of accidents, sickness and many kinds of devastation around us. But Jesus reminds you in His Word that He defeated Satan at the cross for you. His part is finished. Now that He returned to His heavenly Father, you are His representative to continue to do the same work He did; and to do this He empowered you with His authority to take command over the works of the enemy just as He did. Your results will happen according to the power of Christ that works within you which comes and develops through a daily consistent prayer life!

How can you know this is true? First, because you are a born again believer, He said in Luke 10:19 "I give unto you power (translated "authority" in Greek)over ALL the power of the enemy." Second, He said His word will not return unto Him void. "So shall my Word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: It shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." Isaiah 55:11. He knew every believer would need supernatural power to be effective to preach, witness, pray for various needs in the lives of people, and over difficult personal situations that demand more than human effort. Why do some people reach out to specific people to pray for them? It's because they know who can pray the prayer of faith with authority for desperate situations. Every believer today needs this kind of power and it is available to you too, if you take time to allow the Holy Spirit to develop it in you, through your prayer life!

If we stood in the middle of a busy intersection and raised our hand to stop traffic, we would be mashed all over the street because we don't have enough power to stop traffic. But, if we had a badge of authority, stood in the same place and raised one hand to stop traffic, every vehicle would stop. They would see our badge and would know it represented approval from a higher authority to take command of the traffic! Satan knows you have authority. But do you know it? Have you used it and do you speak with that authority? You and I are living in the enemy's heavy traffic wherever we work, study or mingle with people who do not know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, but we also have divine help every day! Use it!

We work, pray, share our testimony and live a life of victory because we not only have authority to represent Jesus and His power but we have His authority to use it to do His Work! You can take command of the enemy's work against you or your family, or over those who concern you who once lived for God but drifted away!

The enemy may strike at you with defeatism, physical weakness, low self esteem, bad habits, anger, sharpness, every kind of sickness and bondage, lawlessness, sadness, problems in your marriage or relationships, hopelessness or negative speaking but don't get discouraged. Strike back at him with the Word of God! Remember that you have authority to take command and cancel his assignment! So speak the Word, "No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper....," then command him to depart in Jesus' name and he will depart!

Though every believer in Christ has received this authority, it must be used to see it in operation. A person can not receive it until it is given and one will not have to "take it by faith" after it is given. It was given to do the works of Christ: to witness, share the gospel, pray for the sick and bondages of many kinds, and live in victory. If you have never prayed with authority over your needs, you can begin today. Factors you need to know are these:

1. Repair your altar.... and prayerfully search your heart. Go again to the fountain filled with blood that Jesus shed for your sins. Confess any sins, repent, turn away from that which you know is not pleasing to God and renew your vows/commitment to Him.

2. Believe Jesus'words that He shared His authority with all believers (Luke 10:19) and He included you.

3. Read God's Word again and again until the Holy Spirit makes this truth real. Read again, "Behold, I give unto you....power (authority) over all the power of the enemy!" Remember that means you. Also read Matthew 16:19, "And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Keys are a symbol of authority. They mean power and authority to do the works of Christ wherever there are needs on your job, at the supermarket, hospital, home, among those with addictions and/or your personal weaknesses. It is His authority, not yours, but He freely shared it with you because you are His representative today. Praying with His authority will make the difference in your answers to prayer.

4. If you desire to experience the power of this truth, when you pray begin to take authority over personal issues in your own life first. Renewing the mind is a good place to start. If thoughts arise, "My family will never get back to God..." Stop! Renew your mind by taking authority over the negative words. Renounce them. Quote another scripture: "The weapons of our warfare (my warfare) are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (including my stronghold of negative speaking); casting down imaginations (doubts, my negative words about my family) and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God (because the enemy is trying to make those thoughts seem more powerful than God's promises) and bringing into captivity EVERY THOUGHT to the obedience of Christ." There is power in the Word of God! Speak the Word!

5. Then pray, "Father, I thank you for sharing your authority with me over ALL the works of the enemy (Luke 10:19). I stand on your Word now. I take authority over the negative thoughts and words that I have spoken, now. I cancel them now, in Jesus' Name! I choose to renew my mind by taking authority over other issues too, (and name them here one by one). I command them to depart in Jesus' Name. Thank you for victory now! Thank you Father for answering my prayer, in Jesus' Name!"

If you need healing in any area of your life, healing in your family problems, perhaps a stronghold of bitterness from one member of your family, finances, unknown factors in relationships in the work place and/or physical body healing, you can pray for these things to come under the authority Jesus shared with you. Speak to them one at a time naming the specific need (example): "I take authority over the "arthritis in my feet" or "poor circulation in my hands" etc., and standing on Jesus' declaration that He shared His authority with me, --I bind you arthritis in Jesus' Name according to Luke 10:19. I speak to you arthritis to develop no further. I command this condition to be reversed, in Jesus' Name! I command every cell in the area of my need to respond to the living Word of God, in Jesus' Name. I speak wholeness, wellness and supernatural strength for it is written, 'By His stripes ye WERE HEALED.' and 'No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper....' therefore, no weapon that is formed against me, shall prosper in Jesus Name!' Thank you Father for honoring your Word as I stood on it firmly, in Jesus' Name!" Following your prayer, it is important that you follow up with time to sit in God's presence to worship and thank Him for hearing and answering prayer.

As you take authority over areas of your life first that need to be changed, your faith to pray for other issues with authority, will grow. One day during prayer, you will notice your faith developed to a higher level and the prayer of authority finally became natural in your prayer life. One day, you will be able to command a hurricane to return to the ocean and dissolve without reaching land and also stop undercover plans at work.

God is faithful! His Word is true! You can live in victory with all He said He provided for you, and He will do all He promised He would do. His Word will not return unto Him void!

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Anonymous said...

Thank you for this wonderful article on Authority. it has given me a new perspective on my life and what I am capable of. I feel, as Jesus has always wanted us to feel, more empowered to be as him.

Glen said...

Thanks for this wonderful article. It is a life changing article, thanks for making us understand that power we have been given that we have not used for years. its better late than never, God Bless.

MaxOnAds said...

I was praying with my girlfriend this morning; and I stopped abruptly and felt a strong need to communicate to her that we must change our way of prayer. I realised that we had been in the habit of "God do this, and God do that". I felt that must change to "I command this to happen and that to happen in the name of Jesus" since HIS word tells us that HE has given us AUTHORITY. We changed our style from "begging God" to taking hold of HIS AUTHORITY given to us. After prayer, I googled "PRAYER OF AUTHORITY," and there you were!!
Thanks for buttressing the inspiration I received this morning.I take authority over all strong holds of the enemy over the life over all christians in Ghana right now in JESUS name. May every work of Lucifer in Ghana be consumed by fire from heaven above right now. I command my mind to stay calm and focused in JESUS NAME. I command you to increase in the faith of God with abundant testimonies to share with the world. May it never be that you will ever be discouraged in your faith in JESUS CHRIST. I command goodness and mercy to be your portion; and I command your cup to run over, in JESUS name.
God Bless you Mum. BYE !!!


MaxOnAds said...

I was praying with my girlfriend this morning; and I stopped abruptly and felt a strong need to communicate to her that we must change our way of prayer. I realised that we had been in the habit of "God do this, and God do that". I felt that must change to "I command this to happen and that to happen in the name of Jesus" since HIS word tells us that HE has given us AUTHORITY. We changed our style from "begging God" to taking hold of HIS AUTHORITY given to us. After prayer, I googled "PRAYER OF AUTHORITY," and there you were!!
Thanks for buttressing the inspiration I received this morning.I take authority over all strong holds of the enemy over the life over all christians in Ghana right now in JESUS name. May every work of Lucifer in Ghana be consumed by fire from heaven above right now. I command my mind to stay calm and focused in JESUS NAME. I command you to increase in the faith of God with abundant testimonies to share with the world. May it never be that you will ever be discouraged in your faith in JESUS CHRIST. I command goodness and mercy to be your portion; and I command your cup to run over, in JESUS name.
God Bless you Mum. BYE !!!


Unknown said...

God sent me directly to this page. I am thankful. PRAISE JESUS!!

Bessie Pello said...

I recently found your blog! Recently as I was in prayer the Holy Spirit revealed to me that "You now have the authority to use the Name of Jesus""You have not enjoyed the benefits of the Covenant because you don't know what they are". This was so true. Since then I have ventured out into spiritual authority and found your blog. Thank you for your sharing.